Definition of conductor


nhạc trưởng


Definition of undefined

The word "conductor" has a rich history that dates back to the 16th century. It emanates from the Latin word "conductus," meaning "to lead" or "to guide." Initially, the term referred to a person who led or guided people or animals through a specific route or route network, such as a conductor of a pilgrimage or a coachman guiding a carriage through unfamiliar terrain. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the term gained popularity in music to describe a person who led an orchestra or a choir through a performance. The conductor was responsible for interpreting the composer's score, communicating with the musicians, and ensuring a cohesive overall performance. From music, the term has also been applied to various fields, such as programming (as in "conductor" of a program), engineering (as in "conductor" of a transmission line), and even finance (as in "conductor" of a portfolio). Throughout its evolution, the word "conductor" has maintained its core meaning of leading, guiding, and directing.


a person who stands in front of an orchestra, a group of singers etc., and directs their performance, especially somebody who does this as a profession

người đứng trước một dàn nhạc, một nhóm ca sĩ, v.v., và chỉ đạo buổi biểu diễn của họ, đặc biệt là người làm nghề này

  • the principal conductor of the San Francisco Symphony

    nhạc trưởng chính của Dàn nhạc Giao hưởng San Francisco

a person who is in charge of a train and travels with it, but does not drive it

người phụ trách một đoàn tàu và đi cùng nó nhưng không lái nó

a person whose job is to collect money from passengers on a bus or train or check their tickets

người có công việc là thu tiền của hành khách trên xe buýt, xe lửa hoặc kiểm tra vé của họ

  • a bus conductor

    người soát vé xe buýt

a substance that allows electricity or heat to pass along it or through it

một chất cho phép điện hoặc nhiệt truyền dọc theo nó hoặc xuyên qua nó

  • Wood is a poor conductor.

    Gỗ là chất dẫn điện kém.

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