Definition of comfort zone

comfort zonenoun

vùng thoải mái

/ˈkʌmfət zəʊn//ˈkʌmfərt zəʊn/


a place or situation in which you feel safe or comfortable, especially when you choose to stay in this situation instead of trying to work harder or achieve more

  • Stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things can be a great experience.
  • We cannot afford to have anyone operating in a comfort zone.
Extra examples:
  • Students are unwilling to step outside their comfort zone.
  • She's willing to venture outside her comfort zone.
  • I’ll tell you what drives me crazy—people who have talent but cruise along in the comfort zone.

Related words and phrases

a state in which you feel confident and are performing at your best

  • I knew if I could find my comfort zone I would be difficult to beat.