Definition of come down

come downphrasal verb

đi xuống


The origin of the phrase "come down" can be traced back to the late 1800s. At that time, "come down" was used to describe a drop in stock prices or the value of goods in the market. However, the phrase later acquired a different meaning in the early 1900s. It came to be used in reference to a state of mind or body, where someone experiences a drop in energy or feelings of exhaustion. This could be as a result of intoxication, illness, or a prolonged period of activity. The phrase "come down" also has geographical variations. In the United States, "come down" often refers to the use of drugs or a hangover from a party the previous night. In the United Kingdom, it is more likely to refer to a drop in mood or emotional state. The flexibility and versatility of the phrase have led to its use in various contexts, such as meteorology or weather forecasts, where it describes a drop in atmospheric pressure and potentially snowfall or rain. In summary, the origin of the phrase "come down" began as a reference to a drop in stock prices or value, but has since evolved to refer to a drop in energy, mood, or weather conditions.


to break and fall to the ground

vỡ và rơi xuống đất

  • The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.

    Trần nhà sụp xuống với một tiếng động khủng khiếp.

to fall


  • The rain came down in torrents.

    Trời đổ mưa như trút nước.

to land or fall from the sky

hạ cánh hoặc rơi từ trên trời xuống

  • We were forced to come down in a field.

    Chúng tôi buộc phải xuống một cánh đồng.

if a price, a temperature, a rate, etc. comes down, it gets lower

nếu giá cả, nhiệt độ, tỷ giá, v.v. giảm xuống, nó sẽ thấp hơn

  • The price of gas is coming down.

    Giá xăng đang giảm.

  • Gas is coming down in price.

    Giá xăng đang giảm.

to decide and say publicly that you support or oppose somebody/something

quyết định và nói công khai rằng bạn ủng hộ hay phản đối ai đó/điều gì đó

  • The committee came down in support of his application.

    Ủy ban đã xuống để ủng hộ đơn xin của ông.

to reach as far down as a particular point

để đạt tới một điểm cụ thể nào đó

  • Her hair comes down to her waist.

    Tóc cô ấy dài tới eo.

to become less excited or happy, especially after taking drugs

trở nên ít phấn khích hoặc vui vẻ hơn, đặc biệt là sau khi dùng thuốc

  • As the drug wore off I felt myself coming down.

    Khi thuốc hết tác dụng, tôi cảm thấy mình đang đi xuống.