Definition of colored


có màu


The word "colored" has a complex and ambiguous history, with origins dating back to the 18th century in America. The term was initially used to refer to people of mixed European and African descent, often in the context of portraying them as lesser than pure-blooded Europeans. This usage was based on the belief that blackness was a marker of imperfection, inferiority, and stigma, which was reinforced by scientific and cultural discourses portraying white skin as the ideal and a sign of civilization. In this context, "colored" was a euphemism for "black," meant to avoid the more pejorative term "negro." The usage of "colored" persisted for many decades, becoming more deeply entrenched in popular usage as a form of political solidarity during the Jim Crow era. Many black leaders and organizations embraced the term, seeing it as a less pejorative alternative to "negro" or "African American." However, the term also reflected the persistence of color hierarchy and the internalization of white supremacy among some members of the black community. In recent decades, the usage of "colored" has fallen out of favor due to its implicit association with segregation, inequality, and the history of white supremacy in America. Many black activists and organizations have shifted towards using terms like "black" or "African American" as more affirmative and empowering alternatives. The concept of "colored" has become a contested and complex issue, highlighting the ongoing debates around language, identity, and race in contemporary society.


having a particular color or different colors

có một màu sắc cụ thể hoặc nhiều màu sắc khác nhau

  • brightly colored balloons

    những quả bóng bay nhiều màu sắc

  • The street was ablaze with colored lights.

    Đường phố rực rỡ ánh đèn màu.

  • vases made of colored glass

    bình hoa làm bằng thủy tinh màu

  • She was wearing a cream-colored suit.

    Cô ấy mặc một bộ đồ màu kem.

  • The words are written in a different-colored ink.

    Các từ được viết bằng mực có màu khác nhau.

  • He uses ink and colored pencils in his drawings.

    Ông sử dụng mực và bút chì màu trong các bức vẽ của mình.

a word used to describe a person who is not white, which is now considered offensive

một từ dùng để mô tả một người không phải là người da trắng, hiện được coi là xúc phạm

(in South Africa) having parents who are of different races

(ở Nam Phi) có cha mẹ thuộc các chủng tộc khác nhau