Definition of cinch


chắc chắn


The word "cinch" has an interesting etymology. The term originated in the mid-19th century, specifically in the American West, particularly in the Rocky Mountains. Originally, a "cinch" referred to a cinch strap, a type of harness or strap used to secure a saddle or pack onto a horse. This strap was crucial for holding everything in place while riding or transporting goods. Over time, the phrase "to cinch something" developed, meaning to secure or tighten something firmly, much like the cinch strap on a saddle. Today, the word "cinch" is often used metaphorically to describe a situation that is easily resolved, a guaranteed outcome, or a way to ensure success. Interestingly, the word has maintained its Wild West roots and is still widely used in the American English language.


something that is very easy

cái gì đó rất dễ dàng

  • The first question is a cinch.

    Câu hỏi đầu tiên thì dễ như trở bàn tay.

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a thing that is certain to happen; a person who is certain to do something

một điều chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra; một người chắc chắn sẽ làm điều gì đó

  • He's a cinch to win the race.

    Anh ấy chắc chắn sẽ giành chiến thắng trong cuộc đua.

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