Definition of chink




The word "chink" has a complex and nuanced history. The term originates from the 14th century, when it referred to a narrow opening or crack in a piece of armor, such as a helmet or shield. Over time, the term evolved to mean a small opening or gap in any solid surface. However, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the word took on a new, derogatory meaning when used to refer to people of East Asian descent, particularly those of Chinese or Japanese ethnicity. This usage was a racist stereotype, implying that people of these ethnicities were somehow fractured or incomplete. Today, the term "chink" is widely recognized as a racial slur and is often used to refer to the racist and discriminatory attitudes that have historically been directed towards East Asian peoples. Its origins in the context of armor and openings serve as a stark reminder of how words can change in meaning and take on harmful connotations over time.


a narrow opening in something, especially one that lets light through

một lỗ hẹp trong một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là một cái cho phép ánh sáng xuyên qua

  • a chink in the curtains

    một vết nứt trên rèm cửa

a small area of light shining through a narrow opening

một vùng ánh sáng nhỏ chiếu qua một khe hở hẹp

  • I noticed a chink of light under the door.

    Tôi nhận thấy một tia sáng le lói dưới cánh cửa.

the light ringing sound that is made when glass objects or coins touch

âm thanh rung nhẹ được tạo ra khi các vật thủy tinh hoặc đồng xu chạm vào

  • the chink of glasses

    vết nứt của kính


a chink in somebody’s armour
a weak point in somebody’s argument, character, etc., that can be used in an attack