Definition of child benefit

child benefitnoun

phúc lợi trẻ em

/ˌtʃaɪld ˈbenɪfɪt//ˌtʃaɪld ˈbenɪfɪt/

The term "child benefit" refers to a type of social welfare program designed to provide financial assistance to families with children. The specific origins of the term "child benefit" vary between different countries, but the concept itself has a long history in many parts of the world. In the United Kingdom, for example, child benefit was originally introduced in 1909 as part of the National Insurance Act. This program was designed to provide financial support to low-income families, and was targeted specifically at mothers with children under the age of 16. At the time, the program was known as "Mothers' Allowance". Over the years, the name and scope of the program have changed multiple times. During World War II, the program was temporarily suspended as a cost-saving measure, and was later reintroduced in 1945 as "Family Allowance". This name was used until 1972, when the program was renamed "Child Benefit" as part of a wider shake-up of social welfare programs. In other countries, the origins of child benefit may be somewhat different. In Australia, for example, the program was established in 1941 as part of a wider system of social security reforms. Originally known as the "Children's Allowance", the program was intended to provide a regular payment to families with children, regardless of their level of income. Despite these differences, the core purpose of child benefit programs is generally the same: to provide financial support to families with children, in order to help mitigate the additional costs of raising a child. Whether called "Mothers' Allowance", "Family Allowance", "Children's Allowance", or something else entirely, these programs have played an important role in many societies for more than a century, helping to ensure that children's basic needs are met regardless of their family's financial situation.

  • Mary's children receive a monthly child benefit allowance from the government to help with their expenses.

    Con của Mary được chính phủ trợ cấp nuôi con hàng tháng để trang trải chi phí.

  • After leaving her job to raise her children, Sarah relied solely on child benefit to provide for her family.

    Sau khi nghỉ việc để nuôi con, Sarah chỉ dựa vào trợ cấp nuôi con để chu cấp cho gia đình.

  • As the parent of two young children, John counts on child benefit as a crucial form of financial support.

    Là cha của hai đứa con nhỏ, John coi trợ cấp nuôi con là hình thức hỗ trợ tài chính quan trọng.

  • The government's decision to freeze child benefit rates has left many low-income families struggling to make ends meet.

    Quyết định đóng băng mức trợ cấp trẻ em của chính phủ đã khiến nhiều gia đình có thu nhập thấp phải vật lộn để kiếm sống.

  • To claim child benefit, parents need to provide details about their children's dates of birth and national insurance numbers.

    Để yêu cầu trợ cấp nuôi con, cha mẹ cần cung cấp thông tin chi tiết về ngày sinh và số bảo hiểm quốc gia của con mình.

  • Child benefit can be claimed from birth until the child reaches the age of 16 (or 20 if they are in approved education or training).

    Trợ cấp trẻ em có thể được yêu cầu từ khi trẻ chào đời cho đến khi trẻ đủ 16 tuổi (hoặc 20 tuổi nếu trẻ đang theo học chương trình giáo dục hoặc đào tạo được công nhận).

  • Some people choose to decline child benefit in order to avoid exceeding the high-income child benefit tax charge.

    Một số người chọn từ chối trợ cấp nuôi con để tránh vượt quá mức thuế trợ cấp nuôi con dành cho người có thu nhập cao.

  • Child benefit payments are tax-free and do not need to be repaid, regardless of whether the child continues to live with their parents or not.

    Tiền trợ cấp nuôi con được miễn thuế và không cần phải trả lại, bất kể đứa trẻ có tiếp tục sống với cha mẹ hay không.

  • Following a divorce or separation, it may be necessary to make changes to child benefit arrangements to reflect the new living arrangements.

    Sau khi ly hôn hoặc ly thân, có thể cần phải thay đổi chế độ trợ cấp nuôi con để phù hợp với chế độ sống mới.

  • Child benefit forms can be submitted online or via post, and parents are encouraged to submit their claims as soon as possible after their child's birth.

    Biểu mẫu trợ cấp trẻ em có thể được nộp trực tuyến hoặc qua đường bưu điện, và cha mẹ được khuyến khích nộp đơn yêu cầu trợ cấp càng sớm càng tốt sau khi con mình chào đời.