Definition of chequered


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The word "chequered" originates from the Old French phrase "éschiquier," which means "to play chess." In the 14th century, the word evolved into "eschiquer" and referred to a chessboard with its squares arranged in a checkered pattern. Over time, the term "chequered" emerged, meaning a pattern or design resembling a chessboard. In the 17th century, the word took on a metaphorical meaning, describing a life or career marked by alternating periods of success and failure, as if the individual were navigating a game of chess. Today, "chequered" is used to describe a life or experience that has had its share of ups and downs, with a nod to the unpredictable nature of the ancient game.


a person’s past, etc. that contains both successful and not successful periods

quá khứ của một người, v.v. bao gồm cả giai đoạn thành công và không thành công

having a pattern of squares of different colours

có một mẫu hình vuông có màu sắc khác nhau

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