Definition of cerise


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The word "cerise" has its origin in the French language and is derived from the Middle French word "cerisier," which refers to the cherry tree. In its earliest usage, the term "cerise" was used to describe the deep red color of the cherries that grew on these trees. Over time, the word "cerise" came to refer not only to the color of the cherries but also to other objects that displayed a similar hue. It wasn't until the 18th century that "cerise" came to be used as a term to describe a specific color, distinct from other shades of red or purple. The term "cerise" gained popularity in the English language during the 19th century, particularly in the context of fashion and design. It was used to describe a range of items, from clothing and accessories to furniture and decorative arts. Today, the word "cerise" is still in use, predominantly in the context of fashion and color terminology. In French, the term "cerise" remains popular and is often used to describe both the cherry fruit and the color red. However, in England, the use of "cherry red" has become more common as a replacement for "cerise," as the term has fallen out of popularity due to its archaic connotation. Nonetheless, "cerise" remains an integral part of the English language and appears in various dictionaries, albeit with an acknowledgment that the term is rarely used in modern parlance.

  • The cherry blossom tree in the garden is bursting with cerise flowers.

    Cây anh đào trong vườn đang nở rộ những bông hoa màu anh đào.

  • The ripe cherries on the tree are a vibrant cerise color.

    Những quả anh đào chín trên cây có màu anh đào rực rỡ.

  • The chef added a few cerise-colored cherries to the fruit crisp.

    Đầu bếp đã thêm một vài quả anh đào màu anh đào vào món trái cây giòn.

  • Her eyes sparkled like cerise jewels as she smiled at her husband.

    Đôi mắt cô lấp lánh như viên ngọc anh đào khi cô mỉm cười với chồng mình.

  • The sun was setting behind the mountains, painting the sky a soft cerise hue.

    Mặt trời lặn sau dãy núi, nhuộm bầu trời một màu anh đào nhẹ nhàng.

  • The cerise-colored rose bushes in the garden added a pop of color to the landscape.

    Những bụi hoa hồng màu anh đào trong vườn tạo thêm điểm nhấn màu sắc cho quang cảnh.

  • The cerise cherry liqueur was the perfect addition to the fruit salad.

    Rượu mùi anh đào là sự bổ sung hoàn hảo cho món salad trái cây.

  • The little girl's dress was a pretty cerise shade with white lace trim.

    Chiếc váy của bé gái có màu anh đào xinh xắn với viền ren trắng.

  • The cherries were so sweet that they tasted like they were still warm from the cerise summer sun.

    Những quả anh đào ngọt đến nỗi có cảm giác như chúng vẫn còn ấm áp dưới ánh nắng mặt trời mùa hè màu anh đào.

  • Her lips were the most beautiful cerise I had ever seen.

    Đôi môi của cô ấy có màu anh đào đẹp nhất mà tôi từng thấy.

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