Definition of catholic


Công giáo


The word "Catholic" originates from the Greek phrase "katholikos," which means "universal" or "general." It was first used by St. Ignatius of Antioch around 110 AD to describe the Christian Church as a whole. The term was later adopted by the early Christian writer St. Justin Martyr and became a common way to refer to the Church. In the 4th century, the Church Fathers, such as St. Cyprian, continued to use the term to emphasize the Church's universal nature and its connection with the apostles and the early Christian community. Over time, the term "Catholic" became associated with the Church founded by Peter, one of Jesus' apostles, and came to be used specifically to describe the Roman Catholic Church, which is the largest Christian communion in the world. Today, the term remains an important part of the Church's identity and is used to express its universal mission and the unity of its believers.


belonging to or connected with the part of the Christian Church that has the Pope as its leader

thuộc về hoặc có liên quan đến một phần của Giáo hội Thiên chúa giáo có Giáo hoàng là người lãnh đạo

  • Are they Catholic or Protestant?

    Họ là người Công giáo hay Tin Lành?

  • a Catholic church

    một nhà thờ Công giáo

connected with all Christians or the whole Christian Church

kết nối với tất cả các Kitô hữu hoặc toàn bộ Giáo hội Kitô giáo

including many or most things

bao gồm nhiều hoặc hầu hết mọi thứ

  • to have catholic tastes (= to like many different things)

    có sở thích công giáo (= thích nhiều thứ khác nhau)