Definition of cast out

cast outphrasal verb

đuổi ra ngoài


The word "cast out" is derived from the Old English phrase "ceastian" or "ceastan," which literally means "thrown out" or "expelled." The term is related to the Old Norse word "kasta," which means "to throw," and the Old High German word "koust," which means "to throw out." In its literal sense, "cast out" refers to the act of physically throwing something or someone out of a place. In terms of human behavior, the term has come to mean, metaphorically, to banish, exclude, or reject someone from a community, group, or society due to a perceived offense or breach of social norms. The concept of "casting out" has been present in various cultures and societies throughout history. For example, in ancient Greece, individuals who showed signs of insanity or disobedience were often "cast out" from their communities and left to fend for themselves. Similarly, in medieval times, some religious communities expelled individuals who were deemed to have violated their faith or broken moral codes. Today, the term "cast out" is still used in various contexts to signify expulsion or rejection from a social or political group or community. It can also be used figuratively to describe being ostracized, excluded, or rejected due to personal traits, beliefs, or behavior that may be perceived as undesirable or threatening by others.

  • The organization decided to cast out any member found guilty of misconduct.

    Tổ chức quyết định trục xuất bất kỳ thành viên nào bị phát hiện có hành vi sai trái.

  • After being accused of fraud, the businessman was cast out by his peers.

    Sau khi bị buộc tội gian lận, doanh nhân này đã bị đồng nghiệp xa lánh.

  • The priest cast out the demons that possessed the woman with a prayer.

    Vị linh mục đã đuổi những con quỷ đang ám người phụ nữ bằng một lời cầu nguyện.

  • The athlete was cast out from the team due to violating the rules.

    Vận động viên bị loại khỏi đội vì vi phạm quy định.

  • The police officer cast out the suspects from the crime scene until further notice.

    Cảnh sát đã đuổi những nghi phạm ra khỏi hiện trường vụ án cho đến khi có thông báo mới.

  • The parents cast out their child from the family due to their behavior.

    Cha mẹ đuổi con ra khỏi gia đình vì hành vi của chúng.

  • The government cast out the opposition party from the parliament for their ideological differences.

    Chính phủ đã trục xuất đảng đối lập khỏi quốc hội vì những khác biệt về ý thức hệ.

  • The doctor cast out the foreign body from the patient's ear using special instruments.

    Bác sĩ dùng dụng cụ chuyên dụng để lấy dị vật ra khỏi tai bệnh nhân.

  • The coach cast out the inefficient players from the playing eleven.

    Huấn luyện viên đã loại những cầu thủ kém hiệu quả ra khỏi đội hình thi đấu.

  • The villagers cast out the witches from their society during the witch-hunting times.

    Dân làng đuổi các phù thủy ra khỏi xã hội của họ trong thời kỳ săn phù thủy.