Definition of campy




"Campy" originated in the 1960s, derived from the word "camp," which itself has a complex history. Originally, "camp" referred to a style of theatrical performance characterized by exaggerated gestures, dramatic flair, and often, a playful embrace of the artificial. This meaning arose in the late 19th century. In the 1960s, "camp" began to be used more broadly, encompassing a sense of the outlandish, kitschy, and humorous, often associated with LGBTQ+ culture. "Campy" emerged as a more casual and playful term to describe things that embodied this exaggerated, over-the-top aesthetic.


deliberately behaving in an exaggerated way that some people think is typical of a gay man

cố tình cư xử quá đáng mà một số người cho rằng đó là điển hình của một người đồng tính nam

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having a style that is exaggerated and not in good taste, especially in a deliberately humorous way

có một phong cách cường điệu và không ngon, đặc biệt là theo cách hài hước có chủ ý

  • The movie is a campy celebration of the fashion industry.

    Bộ phim là một lễ kỷ niệm sôi nổi của ngành thời trang.

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