Definition of c




The symbol "c" in mathematics has several potential meanings based on the context in which it is used. However, one of its most common and recognized uses is as a representation for the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s) in a vacuum. The origin of the use of "c" for the speed of light can be traced back to the 19th century, when the French mathematician and geometer, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, utilized a similar symbol, "v", to denote what we now call velocity. This may have influenced the choice of "c" as a representation for the speed of light, since the symbol has certain similarities to "v". The connection between light and the letter "c" became more prominent in the early 20th century with the development of Einstein's theory of special relativity. In this framework, "c" was identified as a fundamental constant that is invariant to the observer's frame of reference, and this idea would eventually cement "c" as an essential symbol in physics and mathematics. Since then, "c" has remained one of the most recognizable and widely used mathematical symbols, and its value has become deeply ingrained in popular culture, representing the fastest possible speed in the universe. Despite its importance, "c" remains a straightforward and elegant representation, reflecting the elegance of the physical phenomena that it represents.


(in writing) cent(s)

(bằng văn bản) cent(s)

(in writing) century

(bằng văn bản) thế kỷ

  • in the 19th c

    vào thế kỷ 19

  • a C19th church

    một nhà thờ thế kỷ 19

Related words and phrases

(especially before dates) about; approximately (from Latin circa)

(đặc biệt là trước ngày tháng) khoảng; xấp xỉ (từ tiếng Latin circa)

  • c1890


(in cooking) cup

(trong nấu ăn) cốc

  • add 2c. flour

    thêm 2c. bột mì