Definition of brow




The word "brow" has a rich history dating back to Old English. It originated from the Proto-Germanic word *brōthiz, which is also the source of the Modern German word "Braun" meaning "brown" or "dark-colored". In Old English, the word "brow" referred to the eyebrow or the color of the hair, often used to describe the color of the soil or earth. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the forehead or the upper part of the face. The phrase "browbeat" emerged in the 16th century, meaning to intimidate or dominate someone. Today, the word "brow" has multiple meanings, including the eyebrow, the color brown, and even the concept of a "brow" as a metaphor for thought or wisdom. Despite its evolution, the core of the word's meaning remains connected to its Old English roots.


the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair

phần khuôn mặt phía trên mắt và dưới tóc

  • The nurse mopped his fevered brow.

    Cô y tá lau vầng trán nóng bừng của anh.

  • Her brow furrowed in concentration.

    Lông mày cô nhíu lại tập trung.

Extra examples:
  • He stared at the visitors beneath a furrowed brow.

    Anh ta nhíu mày nhìn chằm chằm vào những vị khách.

  • His brow darkened in anger.

    Lông mày anh tối sầm lại vì tức giận.

  • His brow furrowed as he racked his brains over the question.

    Lông mày anh nhíu lại khi anh vắt óc suy nghĩ về câu hỏi.

  • His hair fell over his brow as he turned his head.

    Tóc anh xõa xuống trán khi anh quay đầu lại.

  • His shaggy grey hair fell loosely across his brow.

    Mái tóc xám xù xì của ông buông xõa ngang trán.

  • She brushed back a stray lock of hair from her brow.

    Cô ấy vuốt lại lọn tóc lòa xòa trên trán.

  • She wrinkled her brow thoughtfully.

    Cô nhăn mày suy nghĩ.

Related words and phrases

the line of hair above the eye

đường tóc phía trên mắt

  • One dark brow rose in surprise.

    Một bên mày đen nhướng lên ngạc nhiên.

Extra examples:
  • His brows drew together in a worried frown when he heard the remark.

    Lông mày anh nhíu lại với vẻ lo lắng khi nghe lời nhận xét.

  • His brows snapped together ferociously when he heard the remark.

    Lông mày anh nhíu lại một cách hung dữ khi nghe lời nhận xét.

  • She arched a brow when she saw the bill.

    Cô nhướng mày khi nhìn thấy hóa đơn.

  • She raised a sardonic brow.

    Cô nhướng mày mỉa mai.

the top part of a hill

phần trên cùng của một ngọn đồi

  • The path disappeared over the brow of the hill.

    Con đường biến mất sau sườn đồi.

Related words and phrases

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knit your brow(s)
to move your eyebrows together, to show that you are thinking hard, feeling angry, etc.
  • His brows were knitted in a permanent frown.
  • She knitted her brows in concentration.