Definition of broom closet

broom closetnoun

tủ đựng chổi

/ˈbruːm klɒzɪt//ˈbruːm klɑːzɪt/

The term "broom closet" is a derogatory phrase used to describe a small, usually cramped space that is hidden or inconspicuous in a building, usually in a corner or behind doors. Its origin can be traced back to the 1960s when it was commonly used to deny the very existence of homosexuality. During that time, homosexuality was still considered a taboo issue and most people aspired to conceal their sexual orientation to avoid social stigma and prejudice. As a result, many people who were gay or lesbian took refuge in hidden spaces in buildings, often in cramped spaces like closets or storage rooms. The nickname "broom closet" described such places, as they were typically too small to hold anything but cleaning supplies like brooms, mops, and other janitorial equipment. These spaces were often concealed and went unnoticed, becoming a convenient hiding place for individuals who wanted to avoid being identified. With growing acceptance of homosexuality, the term "broom closet" has lost some of its relevance and pejorative connotation, but it still occasionally surfaces in contemporary language, particularly to describe the feeling of being closeted or concealed in society.


a large built-in closet used for keeping cleaning equipment, etc. in

một tủ lớn được xây dựng sẵn dùng để cất giữ các thiết bị vệ sinh, v.v.

  • There's a broom closet under the stairs.

    Có một tủ đựng chổi ở dưới cầu thang.

a very small room

một căn phòng rất nhỏ

  • I couldn't afford more than a broom closet to set up office in.

    Tôi không đủ khả năng mua gì ngoài một tủ đựng chổi để làm văn phòng.