Definition of bountiful




The word "bountiful" originates from the Old French word "bon" meaning "good" and "tuit" meaning "whole" or "all". In Middle English, the phrase "bon tuit" referred to something that was complete, entire, or altogether good. Over time, the word evolved into "bountiful", meaning having an abundance of good things, being liberal or generous in giving. The first recorded use of the word "bountiful" dates back to the 14th century, and it was often used to describe God's abundant blessings or the generosity of kings. In modern English, the word "bountiful" is commonly used to describe something that is abundant, plentiful, or generously provided. For example, one might say "the bountiful harvest was a blessing for the community" or "the philanthropist was known for his bountiful donations to charity".


in large quantities; large

với số lượng lớn; lớn

  • a bountiful supply of food

    nguồn cung cấp thực phẩm dồi dào

giving generously

cho đi một cách hào phóng

  • belief in a bountiful god

    niềm tin vào một vị thần dồi dào

  • bountiful nature

    thiên nhiên phong phú

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