Definition of bounds


giới hạn


The word "bounds" has a rich history, stemming from the Old English word "bund," meaning "a band, tie, or limit." This sense of physical restraint evolved into the figurative meaning of "limits," often referring to geographical boundaries or the scope of something. The plural form "bounds" solidified its association with limitations, and ultimately, the word came to represent the metaphorical "limits" of any concept, including one's physical, mental, or emotional abilities.


outside the area of play which is allowed

ngoài khu vực chơi được phép

  • His shot went out of bounds.

    Cú sút của anh ấy đã đi quá giới hạn.

not reasonable or acceptable

không hợp lý hoặc chấp nhận được

  • His demands were out of bounds.

    Yêu cầu của anh đã vượt quá giới hạn.


by/in leaps and bounds
very quickly; in large amounts
  • Her health has improved in leaps and bounds.
  • His technique has come on in leaps and bounds this season.
  • out of bounds
    outside the area of play which is allowed
  • His shot went out of bounds.
  • (North American English)not reasonable or acceptable
  • His demands were out of bounds.
  • out of bounds (to/for somebody)
    (especially British English)if a place is out of bounds, people are not allowed to go there