Definition of body search

body searchnoun

tìm kiếm cơ thể

/ˈbɒdi sɜːtʃ//ˈbɑːdi sɜːrtʃ/

The phrase "body search" refers to the process of physically inspecting an individual's body in order to locate prohibited or concealed items. This search can be carried out by law enforcement officers, security personnel, or medical professionals in various scenarios, such as at airport security checkpoints, during criminal investigations, or as part of medical screenings. The origins of the term "body search" can be traced back to the mid-20th century, as advancements in technology and security measures began to require more thorough and intrusive search procedures. Prior to this, the practice of searching individuals' bodies was primarily associated with medical examinations or forensic investigations, rather than as a routine part of security procedures. The term "body search" gained widespread use in the 1960s and 1970s, as air travel became increasingly popular and the threat of hijackings prompted airports to implement more rigorous security measures. Today, body searches are a standard part of airport security protocol around the world, with passengers being subjected to various levels of screening, including physical frisks, metal detectors, and body scanning technology. In addition to airport security, "body search" is also commonly used in the context of criminal investigations, as law enforcement officers may need to search individuals' bodies for evidence or contraband. Medical professionals may also perform body searches during routine physical examinations, in order to identify potential health issues or anomalies. Overall, the term "body search" has become a widely recognized and understood phrase in modern society, reflecting the increasing prioritization of security and privacy trade-offs in various settings. While some may view body searches as intrusive or invasive, they remain an essential part of many important and necessary processes, from aviation security to healthcare screening.

  • After boarding the plane, all passengers underwent a thorough body search by airport security.

    Sau khi lên máy bay, tất cả hành khách đều được nhân viên an ninh sân bay kiểm tra toàn thân.

  • The police officer demanded that the suspect remove all his clothing for a body search.

    Viên cảnh sát yêu cầu nghi phạm cởi hết quần áo để khám xét cơ thể.

  • During a routine prison inspection, guards conducted a comprehensive body search on all inmates.

    Trong một cuộc kiểm tra nhà tù thường lệ, lính canh đã tiến hành khám xét toàn bộ cơ thể của tất cả các tù nhân.

  • The airport security personnel became suspicious of the passenger's behavior and requested a second body search.

    Nhân viên an ninh sân bay nghi ngờ hành vi của hành khách này và yêu cầu khám xét cơ thể lần thứ hai.

  • The prisoner protested the invasive nature of the body search, but the correctional officer remained firm.

    Người tù phản đối bản chất xâm phạm của việc khám xét cơ thể, nhưng viên quản giáo vẫn kiên quyết.

  • After the officer discovered a contraband item during the body search, the passenger was taken into custody.

    Sau khi cảnh sát phát hiện một món đồ cấm trong quá trình khám xét cơ thể, hành khách đã bị bắt giữ.

  • The passengers were warned that any electronic devices found during the body search would be confiscated.

    Hành khách được cảnh báo rằng bất kỳ thiết bị điện tử nào được tìm thấy trong quá trình khám xét cơ thể sẽ bị tịch thu.

  • The fire department requested that the building occupants vacate the premises and submit to a thorough body search.

    Sở cứu hỏa yêu cầu những người trong tòa nhà phải rời khỏi nơi này và chịu sự khám xét toàn diện trên cơ thể.

  • The suspected smuggler attempted to conceal drugs in various body cavities during the intensive body search.

    Kẻ buôn lậu bị tình nghi đã cố gắng giấu ma túy trong nhiều khoang cơ thể trong quá trình khám xét cơ thể chuyên sâu.

  • The athlete was subjected to a compulsory body search before being allowed to compete in the Olympics.

    Vận động viên này phải trải qua quá trình khám xét cơ thể bắt buộc trước khi được phép tham gia thi đấu tại Thế vận hội.