Definition of bloated


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The word "bloated" originates from the Old English word "blōtan," meaning "to offer sacrifice," which ultimately derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*blōtan." The original meaning evolved over time, likely through the concept of sacrificing animals and the resulting appearance of the carcass. This association with swelling and overfullness led to the modern meaning of "bloated" – referring to something swollen or inflated, often due to excessive fluids or gas.


full of liquid or gas and therefore bigger than normal, in a way that is unpleasant

chứa đầy chất lỏng hoặc khí và do đó lớn hơn bình thường, gây khó chịu

  • a bloated body floating in the canal

    thi thể cồng kềnh trôi trên kênh

  • a bloated organization (= with too many people in it)

    một tổ chức cồng kềnh (= có quá nhiều người trong đó)

full of food and feeling uncomfortable

đầy thức ăn và cảm thấy khó chịu

  • I felt bloated after the huge meal they'd served.

    Tôi cảm thấy đầy bụng sau bữa ăn thịnh soạn mà họ phục vụ.

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