Definition of bitterly


đắng, đắng cay, chua xót


Definition of undefined

The word "bitterly" originates from the Old English word "biter," meaning "sharp, pungent, acrid." This sense of sharpness extended to describe intense emotions, particularly those that are unpleasant. Over time, "bitter" evolved to encompass feelings of resentment, sorrow, and harshness. The addition of the suffix "-ly" created "bitterly," further intensifying the meaning to indicate a strong, unpleasant emotion. Thus, "bitterly" reflects the sharp, piercing nature of intense negative feelings.


in a way that shows that you feel sad or angry

theo cách đó cho thấy rằng bạn cảm thấy buồn hay tức giận

  • She wept bitterly.

    Cô khóc lóc thảm thiết.

  • They complained bitterly.

    Họ phàn nàn một cách cay đắng.

  • The development was bitterly opposed by the local community.

    Sự phát triển đã bị cộng đồng địa phương phản đối gay gắt.


vô cùng

  • bitterly disappointed/ashamed

    thất vọng/xấu hổ một cách cay đắng

very cold

rất lạnh