Definition of bisexual


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The word "bisexual" originated in the late 19th century to describe individuals who were attracted to both men and women. The term "bisexual" comes from the Latin prefix "bi," which means two, and the Greek suffix "sexual," which refers to sexuality or sexual attraction. The term was coined as a response to the prevailing medical and psychological understanding of sexuality at the time, which suggested that individuals were either exclusively heterosexual (attracted to the opposite sex) or homosexual (attracted to the same sex). Bisexuality challenged this binary view by acknowledging that some people may experience attraction to individuals of both genders. The use of the word "bisexual" as a self-descriptor became more prevalent in the mid-20th century, as the civil rights movement called for greater visibility and recognition of marginalized communities, including those who identified as bisexual. The term has continued to evolve and be reclaimed over time, with many individuals choosing to use different terminology to describe their sexuality, such as "pansexual," "queer," or "non-binary." Nonetheless, "bisexual" remains an important and powerful identity for many individuals who feel that it accurately reflects their experiences and desires.


sexually attracted to people of more than one gender

bị hấp dẫn tình dục bởi những người có nhiều hơn một giới tính

Related words and phrases

having both male and female sexual organs

có cả cơ quan sinh dục nam và nữ