Definition of bilateral


song phương


The word "bilateral" comes from the Latin words "bi" meaning "two" and "latus" meaning "side". In Latin, the phrase "bilateralis" means "of or pertaining to both sides". This word was later adapted into Middle English as "bilateral", and has been used in the English language since the 15th century. Initially, the term "bilateral" was used to describe something that affects or involves two parties, sides, or entities. For example, a bilateral agreement is an agreement between two parties, while a bilateral relationship is a relationship between two people or groups. Over time, the word "bilateral" has taken on specialized meanings in various fields, such as medicine (bilateral surgery), politics (bilateral diplomacy), and even biology (bilateral symmetry). However, its core meaning remains rooted in its Latin origins, emphasizing the connection between two distinct entities.


involving two groups of people or two countries

liên quan đến hai nhóm người hoặc hai quốc gia

  • bilateral relations/agreements/trade/talks

    quan hệ song phương/thỏa thuận/thương mại/đàm phán

  • Both nations have signed bilateral treaties with the United States.

    Cả hai quốc gia đều đã ký hiệp ước song phương với Hoa Kỳ.

involving both of two parts or sides of the body or brain

liên quan đến cả hai phần hoặc hai bên của cơ thể hoặc não

  • bilateral hearing impairment

    khiếm thính hai bên

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