Definition of beside


bên cạnh, so với


Definition of undefined

The word "beside" has a rich history! It originated from Old English and is surprisingly related to the word "by". In Old English, the word "bē" meant "by" or "near", and the preposition "sīde" meant "side". When combined, "bē sīde" became the phrase "beside", meaning "next to" or "near". Over time, the spelling evolved to "beside", and its meaning expanded to include phrases like "beside oneself" (meaning "beside oneself with worry or excitement") and "beside the point" (meaning "irrelevant or off-topic"). Today, "beside" is a common preposition in English, used to indicate proximity or adjacency. Whether you're describing a physical location or an abstract concept, "beside" is a versatile word with a fascinating etymology!


next to or at the side of somebody/something

bên cạnh hoặc bên cạnh ai/cái gì

  • He sat beside her all night.

    Anh ngồi cạnh cô suốt đêm.

  • a mill beside a stream

    một nhà máy bên cạnh một dòng suối

compared with somebody/something

so sánh với ai/cái gì

  • My painting looks childish beside yours.

    Bức tranh của tôi trông trẻ con bên cạnh bức tranh của bạn.


be beside the point
to not be important or closely related to the main thing you are talking about
  • Yes, I know it was an accident, but that's beside the point.
  • They took my words out of context, but that’s beside the point.
  • beside yourself (with something)
    unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling
  • He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done.
  • They were beside themselves with excitement.