Definition of bent


khiếu, sở thích, khuynh hướng


Definition of undefined

The word "bent" has a fascinating history. It has its roots in Old English and has undergone significant changes over time. Initially, "bent" meant "to bend" or "to incline," as in the act of flexing or twisting something. This sense of the word is still evident in phrases like "be bent on" (meaning "to be determined" or "to have a strong inclination"). Over time, the word took on a new meaning. In the 14th century, "bent" began to be used as an adjective to describe something that is crooked, twisted, or distorted. This sense of the word is still commonly used today, as in "a bent fork" or "a bent piece of metal." Interestingly, the word has also been used as a verb since the 16th century to mean "to twist or distort something, often in a deliberate or intentional manner."


not straight

không thẳng

  • a piece of bent wire

    một đoạn dây bị uốn cong

  • Do this exercise with your knees bent (= not with your legs straight).

    Thực hiện bài tập này với đầu gối cong (= không duỗi thẳng chân).

  • The lamp post got bent in the crash.

    Cột đèn bị cong sau vụ va chạm.

  • Lock your elbows in a slightly bent position.

    Khóa khuỷu tay của bạn ở tư thế hơi cong.

not able to stand up straight, usually as a result of being old or ill

không thể đứng thẳng, thường là do tuổi già hoặc bệnh tật

  • a small bent old woman

    một bà già nhỏ bé uốn cong

  • He was bent double with laughter.

    Anh ta gập người lại vì cười.


Không trung thực

Related words and phrases


bent on (doing) something
determined to do something (usually something bad)
  • She seems bent on making life difficult for me.
  • to be bent on destruction/revenge
  • He's your typical supervillain, bent on world domination.
  • get bent out of shape (about/over something)
    (North American English, informal)to become angry, anxious or upset
  • Don't get bent out of shape about it. It was just a mistake!