Definition of bellow




The word "bellow" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. It is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*balliz", which is also the source of the Modern German word "Balzen", meaning "to clang" or "to resound". In Old English, the word "bellow" is recorded as "beollan", which means "to cry out" or "to roar". The word initially referred to the loud, low-pitched mooing of cattle, which was described as "bellowing". Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the act of producing a loud, loud, and low-pitched noise, similar to that of an animal. In human context, it can refer to shouting, roaring, or crying out loudly. Today, the word "bellow" is used in a variety of contexts, including animal behaviour, music, and everyday conversation.


to shout in a loud deep voice, especially because you are angry

hét to, sâu, đặc biệt là vì bạn đang tức giận

  • They bellowed at her to stop.

    Họ hét lên yêu cầu cô dừng lại.

  • Do you have to bellow in my ear?

    Bạn có cần phải hét vào tai tôi không?

  • The coach bellowed instructions from the sidelines.

    Huấn luyện viên gầm lên hướng dẫn từ bên lề.

  • ‘Get over here!’ he bellowed.

    ‘Quay lại đây!’ anh ta gầm lên.

Extra examples:
  • He fell to the floor, bellowing with pain and rage.

    Anh ngã xuống sàn, gầm lên vì đau đớn và giận dữ.

  • He was running around bellowing orders.

    Anh ta đang chạy xung quanh và hét lên mệnh lệnh.

  • ‘Quiet!’ the teacher bellowed.

    ‘Im lặng!’ giáo viên gầm lên.

Related words and phrases

when a large animal such as a bull bellows, it makes a loud deep sound

Khi một động vật lớn như bò rống, nó phát ra âm thanh trầm và lớn

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