Definition of beleaguered


bị bao vây


The word "beleaguered" originates from the medieval French word "bélegier" which translates to "siege engine" in English. During medieval times, a city or fortress that was surrounded by enemy troops and artillery was considered "bélegué" or besieged. This term eventually evolved into the English word "beleaguered," which now describes a situation where a person or group is under persistent attack, criticism, or difficulty from multiple directions. Its meaning has expanded over time, and it is now commonly used in literature, politics, and everyday speech.


experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties

trải qua nhiều lời chỉ trích và khó khăn

  • The beleaguered party leader was forced to resign.

    Lãnh đạo đảng đang gặp khó khăn đã buộc phải từ chức.

surrounded by an enemy

bị bao vây bởi kẻ thù

  • supplies for the beleaguered city

    cung cấp cho thành phố bị bao vây

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