Definition of bandwidth


băng thông


The term "bandwidth" refers to the amount of data that can be transmitted over a communication channel within a certain period of time. In simpler terms, it refers to the maximum speed at which data can be transferred between devices or networks. The term originated from the concept of analog signals, where the width of a signal's frequency band determines its data-carrying capacity. The wider the bandwidth, the more data can be transmitted without any distortion in the signal. In digital communication, where signals are represented by binary digits (0s and 1s), bandwidth refers to the number of bits that can be transmitted per second (bps). A higher bandwidth means a faster data transmission rate, making it ideal for activities that require large amounts of data, such as streaming videos, playing online games, and downloading large files. In summary, the term "bandwidth" comes from the physics of signal transmission and has been adapted to describe the digital communication aspect of data transfer speeds.

meaning(Tech) dải thông, bề rộng băng tần, dãy sóng

a band of frequencies used for sending electronic signals

một dải tần số được sử dụng để gửi tín hiệu điện tử

  • bandwidths in the range of 50–70 Hz

    băng thông trong phạm vi 50–70 Hz

a measurement of the amount of information that a particular computer network or internet connection can send in a particular time. It is often measured in bits per second.

phép đo lượng thông tin mà một mạng máy tính hoặc kết nối internet cụ thể có thể gửi trong một thời gian cụ thể. Nó thường được đo bằng bit trên giây.

  • Upgrade to a higher bandwidth to increase your download limits.

    Nâng cấp lên băng thông cao hơn để tăng giới hạn tải xuống.

the energy or capacity that you need to do something

năng lượng hoặc khả năng mà bạn cần để làm điều gì đó

  • The team does not have the bandwidth to take on new projects at the moment.

    Hiện tại, nhóm không có đủ khả năng để thực hiện các dự án mới.