Definition of bake


nung, nướng bằng lò


Definition of undefined

The word "bake" has its roots in Old English and is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "bakiz," which means "oven" or "cooking." This Proto-Germanic word is also related to the Proto-Indo-European root "bheg-", which means "to cook." In Old English, the word "bæcian" or "bącan" meant "to roast" or "to cook in a hot oven." Over time, the spelling of the word evolved to "bake," and its meaning expanded to include other methods of cooking, such as boiling and steaming. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500 AD), the word "bake" was used to describe the act of cooking food in an oven, as well as the food itself, such as bread or cake. Today, the word "bake" continues to be used in a variety of contexts, including cooking, baking, and even hair styling!


to cook food in an oven without extra fat or liquid; to be cooked in this way

nấu thức ăn trong lò mà không cần thêm chất béo hoặc chất lỏng; nấu theo cách này

  • to bake bread/biscuits/cookies

    để nướng bánh mì/bánh quy/bánh quy

  • baked potatoes/apples

    khoai tây/táo nướng

  • the delicious smell of baking bread

    mùi thơm ngon của bánh nướng

  • The bread is baking in the oven.

    Bánh mì đang nướng trong lò.

  • I've been baking all morning.

    Tôi đã nướng bánh cả buổi sáng rồi.

  • I'm baking a birthday cake for Alex.

    Tôi đang nướng bánh sinh nhật cho Alex.

  • I'm baking Alex a cake.

    Tôi đang nướng bánh cho Alex.

to become hard when heated; to make something hard by heating it

trở nên cứng khi đun nóng; làm cứng cái gì đó bằng cách nung nóng nó

  • The bricks are left in the kiln to bake.

    Những viên gạch được để lại trong lò để nung.

  • The sun had baked the ground hard.

    Mặt trời đã nướng chín mặt đất.

to be or become very hot

trở nên rất nóng

  • We sat baking in the sun.

    Chúng tôi ngồi nướng bánh dưới nắng.

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