Definition of autarchy


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The word "autarchy" originated from the Greek words "autos" meaning "self" and "arkhos" meaning "ruler". It was first used in the 17th century to describe a state or government that is ruled by a single person or a small group, with no external authority or interference. In this sense, an autarch is a person who exercises absolute power over themselves or a state, rather than being subject to the authority of others. Over time, the term "autarchy" has also been used more broadly to describe any state or system that operates independently, without external control or intervention. This can include economic, social, or cultural systems that are self-sufficient and self-governing. In modern usage, the term is often used in economics and politics to describe a country or entity that is economically or financially self-sufficient, without relying on external aid or assistance.


a system of government of a country in which one person has complete power

một hệ thống chính quyền của một quốc gia trong đó một người có toàn quyền

a country that is ruled by one person who has complete power

một đất nước được cai trị bởi một người có toàn quyền

independent economic control

kiểm soát kinh tế độc lập

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