Definition of attendance


sự có mặt


Definition of undefined

The word "attendance" has its roots in Old French and Latin. The French word "attente" means "waiting" or "expectation," while the Latin word "attendere" means "to give heed to" or "to take care of." In the 14th century, the French word "attente" was borrowed into Middle English as "attendance," initially referring to the act of waiting or showing up. Over time, the meaning of "attendance" expanded to include the act of being present or participating in an event, meeting, or activity. In modern English, attendance refers to the act of being physically or virtually present, often in a formal or institutional setting, such as a school or workplace. The term is often associated with punctuality, regularity, and commitment.


the act of being present at a place, for example at school

hành động có mặt tại một nơi, ví dụ như ở trường

  • Attendance at these lectures is not compulsory.

    Việc tham dự các bài giảng này là không bắt buộc.

  • Teachers must keep a record of students' attendances.

    Giáo viên phải lưu giữ hồ sơ về việc đi học của học sinh.

the number of people present at an organized event

số người có mặt tại một sự kiện được tổ chức

  • high/low/falling/poor attendances

    tỷ lệ tham dự cao/thấp/giảm/kém

  • There was an attendance of 42 at the meeting.

    Cuộc họp có 42 người tham dự.

  • Cinema attendances have risen again recently.

    Gần đây lượng khán giả đến rạp đã tăng trở lại.

Extra examples:
  • The average attendance at matches increased last year.

    Lượng người tham dự trung bình tại các trận đấu đã tăng lên vào năm ngoái.

  • It was a record attendance for a midweek game.

    Đó là lượng người tham dự kỷ lục cho một trận đấu giữa tuần.

  • Despite falling attendances, the zoo will stay open.

    Mặc dù lượng khách tham quan giảm nhưng vườn thú vẫn mở cửa.

  • Building a new stadium has boosted attendances by 40%.

    Việc xây dựng một sân vận động mới đã tăng số lượng khán giả đến xem lên 40%.

  • Attendances at the pool always fall in winter.

    Số người đến bể bơi luôn rơi vào mùa đông.


be in attendance
(formal)to be present at a special event
  • Several heads of state were in attendance at the funeral.
  • be in attendance (on somebody)
    (formal)to be with or near somebody in order to help them if necessary
  • He always has at least two bodyguards in attendance.
  • The ambulances were in attendance within 22 minutes.
  • dance attendance on somebody
    (British English, formal)to be with somebody and do things to help and please them
    take attendance
    (North American English)to check who is present and who is not present at a place and to mark this information on a list of names
  • Mrs Sakamoto had finished taking attendance.