Definition of aspirin




The word "aspirin" comes from the Latin word "spīreā," which means "to breathe out." The earliest known use of this word in the context of medicine can be traced back to 1838, when French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt coined the term "spirea" to describe a substance he created by heating salicylic acid with solutions of acetic acid and iron(III) sulfate. Gerhardt's spirea was initially considered a promising anti-fever agent, but its poor solubility and unpleasant taste made it difficult to administer in large doses. In 1897, German chemist Felix Hoffmann, working for the pharmaceutical company Bayer, developed a new method for producing salicylic acid that allowed him to manufacture the compound in a purer form. Hoffmann and his team then set out to find a way to improve the solubility and ease of administration of salicylic acid. In 1899, they discovered that by combining salicylic acid with acetic acid and precipitating the resulting ester with sulfuric acid, they could create a stable, solid compound that could be easily swallowed. They named this new compound "aspirin," derived from the first two syllables of the German word for spirea, "spirecaprin." The name caught on, and by the early 1900s, aspirin had become a widely popular medication for treating pain, fever, and inflammation. In summary, the origin of the word "aspirin" can be traced back to the Latin word "spīreā" and the substance spirea, which was a crude form of salicylic acid. The name was coined by Felix Hoffmann in 1899, when he developed a simpler and more effective way to produce salicylic acid and its ester for medicinal purposes.

  • After experiencing severe chest pain, the doctor prescribed aspirin to prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of further heart complications.

    Sau khi bị đau ngực dữ dội, bác sĩ đã kê đơn thuốc aspirin để ngăn ngừa cục máu đông và giảm nguy cơ biến chứng tim mạch.

  • The headache persisted, so I reached for an aspirin to help relieve some of the discomfort.

    Cơn đau đầu vẫn tiếp diễn nên tôi dùng thuốc aspirin để giúp giảm bớt sự khó chịu.

  • I prefer to take a baby aspirin every day as a precautionary measure against heart disease.

    Tôi thích uống một viên aspirin dành cho trẻ em mỗi ngày như một biện pháp phòng ngừa bệnh tim.

  • The doctor advised the patient to take four aspirin tablets a day over the course of several weeks to manage the symptoms of arthritis.

    Bác sĩ khuyên bệnh nhân uống bốn viên aspirin mỗi ngày trong vài tuần để kiểm soát các triệu chứng của bệnh viêm khớp.

  • In order to prevent stroke, my doctor recommended that I take a low-dose aspirin daily.

    Để ngăn ngừa đột quỵ, bác sĩ khuyên tôi nên uống aspirin liều thấp mỗi ngày.

  • To curb the symptoms of menstrual cramps, my friend suggested taking two aspirin pills every six hours.

    Để hạn chế các triệu chứng đau bụng kinh, bạn tôi gợi ý nên uống hai viên aspirin sau mỗi sáu giờ.

  • As a result of overexertion during a workout, I took two aspirin tablets to ease the inflammation in my muscles.

    Do tập luyện quá sức, tôi đã uống hai viên aspirin để giảm viêm ở cơ.

  • The dentist prescribed a course of aspirin to help numb the pain after a dental procedure.

    Bác sĩ nha khoa đã kê đơn thuốc aspirin để giúp giảm đau sau khi thực hiện thủ thuật nha khoa.

  • I found that taking an aspirin before bed helped me sleep better by reducing my fever.

    Tôi thấy rằng uống một viên aspirin trước khi đi ngủ giúp tôi ngủ ngon hơn bằng cách hạ sốt.

  • The emergency room physician gave my grandfather two aspirin pills to control the pain caused by a fever.

    Bác sĩ phòng cấp cứu đã đưa cho ông tôi hai viên thuốc aspirin để kiểm soát cơn đau do sốt gây ra.