Definition of artichoke




Definition of undefined

The word "artichoke" originates from the Latin "cynara," which is the scientific name for the artichoke plant. The Latin term is derived from the Greek "kounARA", meaning "thistle," likely due to the plant's thistle-like appearance. The Greek name may have been influenced by the purple color of the artichoke's leaves, which resembles the purple hue of the thistle flower. The Latin "cynara" was later adopted into Middle English as "artichoke," and has been used to refer to the edible flower buds and leaves of the plant since the 15th century. Today, "artichoke" is used in many languages to describe this popular and nutritious vegetable.


a round vegetable with a lot of thick green leaves. The bottom part of the leaves and the inside of the artichoke can be eaten when cooked.

một loại rau tròn có nhiều lá xanh dày. Phần dưới cùng của lá và bên trong atisô có thể ăn được khi nấu chín.

a light-brown root vegetable that looks like a potato

một loại rau củ màu nâu nhạt trông giống như củ khoai tây

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