Definition of artful


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The word "artful" has its roots in the Old English word "cræfte," meaning "skill, craft, or art." Over time, this evolved into "craft," which eventually led to the word "art." The suffix "-ful" was added to "art" in the 14th century to denote "full of" or "characterized by." This combination resulted in "artful," signifying someone or something possessing skill, cleverness, and often a degree of cunning or deception.


clever at getting what you want, sometimes by not telling the truth

thông minh trong việc đạt được điều mình muốn, đôi khi bằng cách không nói sự thật

  • He was artful and cunning, and I didn’t really trust him.

    Anh ấy rất khéo léo và xảo quyệt, và tôi không thực sự tin tưởng anh ấy.

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