Definition of art gallery

art gallerynoun

phòng tranh, khu triển lãm

Definition of undefined

The term "art gallery" emerged in the 18th century, reflecting the growing popularity of art collecting among the wealthy. "Gallery" itself originates from the Italian "galleria," meaning "covered walkway." Initially, galleries were long, covered spaces within grand houses used for displaying collections. As art collecting became more widespread, dedicated buildings emerged, housing spaces specifically for displaying and selling artwork. These "art galleries" formalized the practice and solidified the term's association with exhibiting and selling art.


a room or building for the display or sale of works of art

một căn phòng hoặc tòa nhà để trưng bày hoặc bán các tác phẩm nghệ thuật

  • her father runs an art gallery in New York City

    cha cô điều hành một phòng trưng bày nghệ thuật ở thành phố New York