Definition of arithmetic


(toán) số học


Definition of undefined

The word "arithmetic" has its roots in ancient Greek. The term "arithmos" means "number" and "tik" means "art" or "doing". In Greek, the word "arithmos" was used to describe counting and numbers. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras used the term "arithmos" to describe the study of numbers and their relationships. Over time, the Latin word "arithmetica" was derived from "arithmos". The Latin word was later adopted into Middle English as "arithmetike", which was shortened to "arithmetic" in Modern English. The word "arithmetic" initially referred to the study of numbers and their relations as well as the practical application of mathematical skills. Today, the term "arithmetic" encompasses various mathematical practices, including basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as advanced concepts like algebra and calculus.


the type of mathematics that deals with the adding, multiplying, etc. of numbers

loại toán học liên quan đến việc cộng, nhân, v.v. của các số

  • He's not very good at arithmetic.

    Anh ấy không giỏi số học lắm.

sums involving the adding, multiplying, etc. of numbers

các tổng liên quan đến việc cộng, nhân, v.v. của các số

  • a quick bit of mental arithmetic (= sums you do in your head, without writing anything down)

    một chút tính nhẩm nhanh chóng (= số tiền bạn làm trong đầu mà không cần viết ra bất cứ điều gì)

  • I think there's something wrong with your arithmetic.

    Tôi nghĩ có điều gì đó không ổn với số học của bạn.

  • I’ve worked out the price, but I need to check the arithmetic.

    Tôi đã tính ra giá nhưng tôi cần kiểm tra số học.

  • a test of mental arithmetic

    một bài kiểm tra tính nhẩm