Definition of aridity


sự khô cằn


The word "aridity" has its roots in the Latin language. It comes from the word "aridus," which means "dry" or "without moisture." This Latin term is derived from the verb "areare," which means "to dry" or "to parch." The term "aridity" entered the English language in the 15th century and was initially used to describe a dry or withered quality, often in reference to plants or soil. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the concept of a region or environment being excessively dry and lacking in vegetation or moisture. In modern usage, "aridity" is often associated with desert or semi-arid environments, where the lack of rainfall and humidity creates challenging conditions for plant and animal life. Despite its Latin roots, the word "aridity" has become an integral part of the English language, used to describe a common feature of many parts of the world.


the fact of having little or no rain; the fact of being very dry

thực tế là có rất ít hoặc không có mưa; thực tế là rất khô

  • the aridity of the Australian landscape

    sự khô cằn của cảnh quan Úc

the fact of having or containing nothing new or interesting

thực tế là không có hoặc không chứa bất cứ điều gì mới mẻ hoặc thú vị

  • the emotional aridity of her life

    sự khô cằn về mặt cảm xúc của cuộc sống cô ấy

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