Definition of anyplace


bất cứ nơi nào


"Anyplace" is a combination of the words "any" and "place." * **"Any"** comes from the Old English word "ānīg," which is related to the word "one." It conveys a sense of "one or more," encompassing any option within a set. * **"Place"** originates from the Latin word "platea," meaning a "broad way or street." It eventually developed to mean a location or position. Therefore, "anyplace" simply means "any location" or "any place." The term's earliest recorded use was in the 16th century.


used in negative sentences and in questions instead of someplace

dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi thay vì ở đâu đó

in, at or to any place, when it does not matter where

ở, tại hoặc tới bất kỳ nơi nào, khi việc ở đâu không quan trọng

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