Definition of anklet


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The word "anklet" finds its roots in the Old English language, where it was originally spelled "andhoggat" and meant a "hand-knocker" or "hand-cussler." This peculiar name suggests its function as a decorative ornament worn around the ankle, which could also serve as a tinkling or jingling accessory that would catch the attention of others by making a little noise as the person walked. Over time, the spelling and pronunciation evolved and the word's meaning became more specifically associated with jewelry worn around the ankle. In Middle English, it was spelled "ankel" and eventually, in Early Modern English, it took on its current form, "anklet." The term "anklet" has been in use since the 14th century and its meaning has remained consistent throughout its linguistic history, referring to a small piece of jewelry worn around the ankle to decorate or embellish the lower leg. From a functional aspect, the anklet could also be used to shoo away flies or other insects in the ancient era, as the added weight and noise from the ornament might dissuade the bugs from landing on the wearer's foot. Over time, the idea of using anklets as a practical or functional accessory has faded, and they are now primarily worn as a fashion statement, cultural symbol, or decorative accent.


a piece of jewellery worn around the ankle

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