Definition of analogue


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The word "analogue" comes from the Greek words "analogon" (analogon) meaning "proportionate" and "logos" (logos) meaning "reason" or "science". The term was first used in the 17th century to describe a relation between two things, where one is a modified or adapted version of the other. In the 18th century, the term began to be used in physics to describe a continuous signal that is similar to another signal, but not identical. The term then evolved to include concepts such as analog clocks, analog computers, and analog instruments. Today, the term "analogue" refers to anything that is similar in form or function to another, including things like analog circuits, analog signals, and analog photography. The plural form of the word is also "analogues".


using a continuously changing range of physical quantities to measure or store data

sử dụng một phạm vi đại lượng vật lý thay đổi liên tục để đo hoặc lưu trữ dữ liệu

  • an analogue circuit/computer/signal

    một mạch tương tự/máy tính/tín hiệu

showing the time using hands on a dial and not with a display of numbers

hiển thị thời gian bằng kim trên mặt số chứ không phải hiển thị số

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