Definition of anaesthesia


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The word "anaesthesia" is derived from the Greek words "ana" meaning "up" or "without", and "aisthesi" meaning "sensation" or "feeling". The word was coined in the 17th century to describe the loss of sensation or feeling, particularly in relation to surgical procedures. The term was first used by the English physician Thomas Sydenham in 1677, who used it to describe the condition of being "without sensation" or "insensible to pain". Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to encompass not only the absence of pain but also the loss of consciousness, awareness, or sensation during surgical procedures. Today, the term "anaesthesia" is used to describe the medical specialty that focuses on inducing a state of insensitivity or unconsciousness in patients for surgical or other medical procedures.


the use of anaesthetics during medical operations

việc sử dụng thuốc gây mê trong các ca phẫu thuật y tế

  • surgery carried out under anaesthesia

    phẫu thuật được thực hiện dưới gây mê

the state of being unable to feel anything, especially pain

trạng thái không thể cảm thấy bất cứ điều gì, đặc biệt là đau đớn

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