Definition of ammunition


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The word "ammunition" has a fascinating history! It originated from the Latin phrase "munitio," meaning "provision" or "equipment." In the 14th century, the term referred to supplies or provisions used in warfare, such as food, clothing, and other essentials. Over time, the term evolved to specifically refer to projectiles, such as arrows, stones, and even gunpowder. In the 17th century, the English language adopted the term "ammunition" from the French "amunition," which was derived from the Latin phrase "munitio." As firearms developed, the term became synonymous with the missiles or cartridges used in guns. Today, "ammunition" refers to the bullets, cartridges, and other projectiles used in firearms, as well as the materials and supplies used to manufacture and maintain them.


a supply of bullets, etc. to be fired from guns

một nguồn cung cấp đạn, v.v. để bắn từ súng

  • The bandits escaped with a rifle and 120 rounds of ammunition.

    Bọn cướp đã trốn thoát với một khẩu súng trường và 120 viên đạn.

  • They issued live ammunition to the troops.

    Họ cấp đạn thật cho quân lính.

  • A few of the men had run out of ammunition.

    Một số người đã hết đạn.

information that can be used against another person in an argument

thông tin có thể được sử dụng để chống lại người khác trong một cuộc tranh luận

  • The letter gave her all the ammunition she needed.

    Lá thư đã cung cấp cho cô tất cả những thông tin cô cần.

  • These figures provide political ammunition to police chiefs arguing for more resources.

    Những con số này cung cấp bằng chứng chính trị cho các cảnh sát trưởng đòi hỏi thêm nguồn lực.

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