toàn năng
/ɔːlˈmaɪti//ɔːlˈmaɪti/The word "almighty" originates from the Old English phrase "all-mīhtig," which combines the words "all" and "mīhtig," meaning "powerful" or "strong." In the 10th century, the phrase referred to a being with all-powerful strength, often used to describe God or a deity. Over time, the phrase evolved into the single word "almighty," which has been used in English since the 14th century. In Christianity, the term "almighty" is often used to describe God, emphasizing His omnipotence and supreme authority. The word has been significantly influenced by the Bible, particularly in the King James Version, where it appears over 50 times. In modern language, the term "almighty" is often used figuratively to describe someone or something with great power or authority, but its original biblical context remains its most significant and widely recognized meaning.
having complete power
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very great or severe
rất lớn hoặc nghiêm trọng
một tiếng nổ/tiếng va chạm/tiếng gầm lớn
used in the expressions shown in the example, to express surprise or anger
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