Definition of alcoholic


rượu, người nghiện


Definition of undefined

The word "alcoholic" originated from the Latin words "alcohlis," meaning "alum" or "prickly wort," and the Greek suffix "-ikos," meaning "pertaining to." The term "alcoholic" was first used in the 16th century to describe a type of plant, Solanum pseudocapsicum, also known as "alcolja" or "prickly eruca," which was believed to have medicinal properties. Later, in the 18th century, the term "alcoholic" was used to describe a type of fermentation process, specifically the fermentation of grains and fruits to produce alcohol. Over time, the term came to be associated with the consumption of alcohol, particularly in the context of addiction. Today, the term "alcoholic" is widely used to describe a person who is addicted to alcohol or has a chronic disease of alcoholism, characterized by compulsive and excessive drinking despite negative consequences.


connected with or containing alcohol

kết nối với hoặc có chứa rượu

  • alcoholic drinks/beverages

    đồ uống có cồn/đồ uống

  • The fruit juice tasted slightly alcoholic.

    Nước trái cây có vị hơi cồn.

Related words and phrases

caused by drinking alcohol

uống rượu gây ra

  • The guests left in an alcoholic haze.

    Những vị khách rời đi trong cơn say rượu.

regularly drinking too much alcohol and unable to stop easily, so that it has become an illness

thường xuyên uống quá nhiều rượu và không thể dừng lại dễ dàng nên đã trở thành một căn bệnh

  • his alcoholic daughter

    con gái nghiện rượu của ông

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