Definition of affiliate


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The word "affiliate" has its roots in Latin. In the 14th century, the Latin word "affiliare" meant "to bind or unite" or "to make kin". From this Latin root, the word "affiliate" emerged in Middle English, initially meaning "to join or unite with" or "to connect". In the context of business, the term "affiliate" first appeared in the 16th century, referring to a person or organization joined or connected with another, often in a partnership or alliance. Over time, the meaning expanded to include a more specific type of business relationship, where one entity, usually a company, joins forces with another, often to promote a shared product or service. Today, the word "affiliate" is commonly used in the context of marketing and commerce, referring to a partnership or arrangement where one entity promotes another's products or services, often earning a commission or fee in return.


to link a group, a company or an organization very closely with another, larger one

để liên kết một nhóm, một công ty hoặc một tổ chức rất chặt chẽ với một nhóm khác, lớn hơn

  • The hospital is affiliated with the local university.

    Bệnh viện liên kết với trường đại học địa phương.

  • The group is not affiliated to any political party.

    Nhóm không liên kết với bất kỳ đảng phái chính trị nào.

to join, to be connected with, or to work for an organization

tham gia, được kết nối hoặc làm việc cho một tổ chức

  • The majority of people questioned affiliated themselves with a religious group.

    Phần lớn người được hỏi đều liên kết với một nhóm tôn giáo.

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