Definition of active duty

active dutynoun

nhiệm vụ tích cực

/ˌæktɪv ˈdjuːti//ˌæktɪv ˈduːti/

The term "active duty" in military parlance refers to the period when a service member is on full-time active service in the armed forces. It is different from reserve duty, when a person is required to serve part-time in addition to their civilian job or education. The word "active" signifies that a soldier, sailor, airman, or marine is currently serving on duty, whether at home or abroad. This could mean being deployed in combat zones, serving in staff positions, or fulfilling administrative roles. The concept of active duty has evolved over time as military needs have changed. In ancient times, soldiers were generally also farmers, artists, or craftsmen, and military service was a temporary or seasonal commitment. The concept of permanent full-time service was developed during the medieval period as standing armies became the norm. The modern concept of active duty in the United States military can be traced back to the National Security Act of 1947, which established the Department of Defense and created a unified active-duty force. Since then, active duty has been a vital component of America's national defense strategy, providing trained and ready forces to respond to threats around the world. In summary, the term "active duty" denotes soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who are currently serving in the armed forces of their country, committed to fulfilling their roles as defenders of their country when and where needed.

  • John is currently serving on active duty in the United States Army.

    John hiện đang phục vụ trong Quân đội Hoa Kỳ.

  • The army has over 1 million men and women serving on active duty worldwide.

    Quân đội có hơn 1 triệu nam nữ đang phục vụ trong quân ngũ trên toàn thế giới.

  • Mary's husband is an army officer currently serving on active duty in Korea.

    Chồng của Mary là một sĩ quan quân đội hiện đang phục vụ tại Hàn Quốc.

  • As an active duty service member, Tom was deployed to Iraq for a year-long tour of duty.

    Với tư cách là một quân nhân đang tại ngũ, Tom đã được triển khai tới Iraq để thực hiện nhiệm vụ trong một năm.

  • Joe is serving on active duty in the Navy, stationed on the USS George Washington aircraft carrier.

    Joe đang phục vụ trong Hải quân, đồn trú trên tàu sân bay USS George Washington.

  • The decision to end Don's active duty service was made due to medical reasons.

    Quyết định chấm dứt nghĩa vụ quân sự của Don được đưa ra vì lý do sức khỏe.

  • While on active duty, Sarah was awarded a Purple Heart for her valor in combat.

    Trong thời gian phục vụ tại ngũ, Sarah đã được trao tặng Huân chương Trái tim tím vì lòng dũng cảm của cô trong chiến đấu.

  • To accommodate his needs as a new parent, the military provided Rick with a deferral from active duty.

    Để đáp ứng nhu cầu làm cha mẹ mới của Rick, quân đội đã cho phép Rick hoãn nghĩa vụ quân sự.

  • Eli is beginning his first tour of duty after successfully completing basic training.

    Eli đang bắt đầu chuyến công tác đầu tiên sau khi hoàn thành khóa huấn luyện cơ bản.

  • The active duty military personnel are one of the most elite and well-trained groups in the world.

    Quân nhân đang tại ngũ là một trong những nhóm tinh nhuệ và được đào tạo bài bản nhất trên thế giới.