Definition of absent


vắng mặt, nghỉ


Definition of undefined

The word "absent" has a rich history! It originated from the Latin word "absens," which is a past participle of the verb "absente," meaning "to be away" or "to be missing." The Latin word is derived from "ab," meaning "from" or "away," and "scoere," meaning "to attend" or "to be present." The Latin word "absens" was first used in the 14th century to describe something or someone that is not present or does not exist at a particular place or time. The word was later borrowed into Middle English as "absent," and has since been used in various contexts, including geography (e.g., absent-mindedly, a place without something) and law (e.g., a person absent from court). Today, the word "absent" is widely used in many languages, including English, French, Spanish, and many others, to describe the state of being away or missing from a place or situation.


not in a place because of illness, etc.

không ở một nơi vì bệnh tật, v.v.

  • She was absent from work for two weeks.

    Cô ấy đã vắng mặt ở nơi làm việc trong hai tuần.

  • Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.

    Người dân địa phương rõ ràng đã vắng mặt trong cuộc họp.

Related words and phrases

not present in something

không có mặt trong cái gì đó

  • Love was totally absent from his childhood.

    Tình yêu hoàn toàn vắng bóng trong thời thơ ấu của anh.

  • She now played with a passion that had been strangely absent from her previous performance.

    Bây giờ cô ấy chơi với niềm đam mê đã vắng bóng một cách kỳ lạ trong buổi biểu diễn trước đó.

Related words and phrases

showing that you are not really looking at or thinking about what is happening around you

cho thấy rằng bạn không thực sự nhìn hoặc suy nghĩ về những gì đang xảy ra xung quanh bạn

  • an absent expression

    một biểu hiện vắng mặt

Related words and phrases