Definition of ablation


sự cắt bỏ


The word "ablation" originated from the Latin word "ablatio," which means " removal" or "stripping away." This Latin term is derived from the verb "ablanare," which means "to strip off" or "to take away." In medicine, ablation refers to the removal or destruction of diseased or damaged tissue, cells, or organs. This can be achieved through various methods, such as laser surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. In geology and astronomy, ablation refers to the loss or removal of material, such as ice or rocks, due to natural processes like melting, erosion, or evaporation. The word "ablation" has been used in the English language since the 16th century, and has been borrowed into many other languages, including French ("ablation"), Spanish ("ablación"), and German ("Ablation"). Overall, the concept of ablation has been applied in various fields, including medicine, geology, and astronomy, to describe the process of removal or destruction of unwanted material.


the use of surgery to remove body tissue

việc sử dụng phẫu thuật để loại bỏ mô cơ thể

  • to undergo an ablation procedure

    để trải qua một thủ thuật cắt bỏ

the loss of material from a large mass of ice, snow or rock as a result of the action of the sun, wind or rain

sự mất mát vật chất từ ​​một khối băng, tuyết hoặc đá lớn do tác động của mặt trời, gió hoặc mưa

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