Monster Numbers


For numbers 1 - 10, click review then 'play' from that screen.

This is a mini game to learn numbers in English. Students listen or read and then click the appropriate number.

The main purpose of this game is to practice using numbers in English. This is done through a mini-game in which students listen to sounds and then click on the right number. Hopefully this will increase familiarity and practice in listening to the sounds of numbers.

The second purpose is to present or introduce numbers to any student who does not already know them. Although numbers are a fairly basic topic for English learners, it is possible that some higher numbers may be completely new to some students and so they need some guidance on pronunciation.

There are 10 different levels with easy and difficult levels:

Easy mode

Set 1

  • Thirteen
  • Forty
  • Nine
  • Ten
  • Zero
  • Eleven
  • Fourteen
  • Thirty
  • Fifteen
  • Fifty

Set 2

  • Twelve
  • Twenty
  • Sixteen
  • Seventeen
  • Eighteen
  • Nineteen
  • Sixty
  • Seventy
  • Eighty
  • Ninety

Set 3

  • Twenty one
  • Thirty two
  • Twenty six
  • Forty seven
  • Fifty three
  • Fifty nine
  • Ninety nine
  • Eighty six
  • Sixty eight
  • Seventy five

Set 4

  • One hundred and twenty
  • Two hundred and sixty
  • Three hundred and ninety
  • Four hundred and thirty
  • Five hundred and forty
  • Five hundred and sixty
  • Six hundred and ten
  • Seven hundred and seventy
  • Eight hundred and fifty
  • Nine hundred and eighty

Hard Mode

Set 5

  • One hundred and fifty three
  • Two hundred and ninety nine
  • Three hundred and eighteen
  • Four hundred and eighty two
  • Five hundred and thirty three
  • Five hundred and forty one
  • Six hundred and seventy six
  • Seven hundred and fourteen
  • Seven hundred and twenty six
  • Nine hundred and sixty eight

Set 6

  • One hundred
  • Three thousand
  • Two hundred
  • Five hundred
  • One thousand
  • Seven thousand
  • Ten thousand
  • Fifty thousand
  • Sixty thousand
  • Ninety thousand

Set 7

  • Five hundred and twenty six
  • Seven hundred and thirty three
  • Six hundred and forty four
  • One hundred and fifty seven
  • Eight hundred and sixty five
  • Four hundred and sixty two
  • Two hundred and seventy one
  • Nine hundred and eighty three
  • Three hundred and ninety four
  • Six hundred and ninety nine

Set 8

  • Eleven hundred
  • Twelve thousand
  • Sixteen hundred
  • Eighteen thousand
  • Two thousand five hundred
  • Twenty five thousand
  • Five thousand two hundred
  • Fifty five thousand four hundred
  • Six thousand two hundred and fifty
  • Six thousand seven hundred and sixty

Set 9

  • Four thousand nine hundred and sixty nine
  • Eight thousand two hundred and six
  • Twelve hundred and twenty one
  • Three thousand seven hundred and seven
  • One thousand three hundred and ninety one
  • Six thousand four hundred and fifty three
  • Seven thousand and nineteen
  • Two thousand and thirty nine
  • Five thousand one hundred and seventy four
  • Nine thousand five hundred and eighty six

Set 10

  • Sixteen thousand and sixty
  • Twelve hundred and twenty
  • Eighteen thousand eight hundred
  • Nineteen thousand and thirty
  • Twenty eight thousand six hundred
  • Fifty eight thousand nine hundred
  • Five thousand nine hundred and eighty
  • Four thousand five hundred and ten
  • Nine thousand and ninety
  • Sixty six thousand and sixty

In the mini game you control a small monster and you have to help it survive by pointing and clicking to make it jump on blocks. Three blocks are shown and each block has a number shown in the middle. The sound of one of these numbers is then played and you have to move the monster to the matching block. If you choose the right block, the monster will survive, but if you choose wrong, the monster will fall to the bottom of the screen and the game is over.

It is hoped that learning can take place through combinations of sounds/texts with numbers. Students will see and hear numbers and then match them with the displayed digits. It is hoped that repetition will increase familiarity and the ability to practice numbers. I think 2 variations of receptive identification are mentioned here: in the game, students hear or read a number and then match that number with a digit; In the presentation screen, students can see the numbers and can then click to hear how they are said or see how they are written.

Email me with any comments or feedback. You can use the contact page or simply add a comment below.