With a goal of 8-9 points, how should students prepare for the university English exam?

With a goal of 8-9 points, how should students prepare for the university English exam?

To achieve a score of 8 or more, how should students prepare for the university English exam in addition to the knowledge in textbooks? Decode this with EnglishTop in the following article!

Recognizing the exam structure, thereby dividing time and choosing how to practice is the advice that teachers and experienced candidates give to the next generation. In addition to these factors, to achieve scores of 8 and 9, in what areas do candidates need to put in extra effort?

1. Understand the structure of the exam to prepare for the exam accurately

The exam season in recent years has witnessed many changes in the structure of college English exams specifically, in 2017 there are only 50 completely multiple-choice questions with a test time of 60 minutes. Besides, the exam is also considered to be heavily biased towards two main areas: Reading skills and Ability to use Grammar – Vocabulary.

For other topics such as Phonetics, Communication, and Writing skills that are of average difficulty, only about 2 or 3 questions really have the element of challenging students. Basically, each topic will be divided into the following question types:

  • 15 reading comprehension questions (7 short reading sentences, 8 long reading sentences)

  • 12 odd sentences with grammar and vocabulary

  • 5 filler sentences

  • Rewrite 5 sentences to be closest in meaning to the original sentence (3 rewrite sentences, 2 sentences combine sentences)

  • 4 phonetic sentences (2 pronunciation sentences, 2 accent sentences)

  • 4 sentences with synonyms and antonyms (2 sentences with synonyms, 2 antonyms)

  • 3 incorrect sentences

  • 2 communication sentences

With a goal of 8-9 points, how should students prepare for the university English exam?

Understand the structure of English exam questions to prepare for the exam properly

2. How to review important exercises

2.1 Grammar and vocabulary


Regarding grammar, candidates need to focus on the vocabulary in the textbook, because the exam questions usually follow the grammar in the book very closely, not too far away. However, for those who want to score 9, you need to pay attention and read more about some other special grammar forms.

For example, in the conditional form, instead of the simple form being if, students need to pay attention to special structural forms such as unless, if only; mixed form; For relative clauses, pay attention to the yes form that and shortened form; special passive sentences as if to tell or tell impersonal passive (passive with indefinite subject).

In particular, oral speech is a grammatical form of subject-subject agreement, and inversions are grammatical topics that certainly appear in the exam.

Grammar parts that are difficult to remember are articles a, an, the, zero or a few, few, little, a little, Already most of, almost or like, alike, likely or another, other… Also very useful because students often get confused with this part.

With a goal of 8-9 points, how should students prepare for the university English exam?

Learning grammar using Mindmap is also an effective way to systemize knowledge


There are many ways to memorize vocabulary, but the most important thing is that you must find a way to memorize English vocabulary that suits you. EnglishTop Please suggest a typical but effective method. Take note (Note down vocabulary with specific illustrative examples for each topic), then reinforce by doing exercises related to the vocabulary.

In addition, when studying vocabulary, you need to pay attention to the word forms of the exam questions Idioms (Idioms, Phrasal verbs, Phrase, Pattern, Collocation to be able to take notes and study more logically.

In particular, questions about synonyms and antonyms often require a wide vocabulary along with the skill of guessing the meaning of words in sentences. Therefore, you can also practice reasoning skills and eliminate answers.

With a goal of 8-9 points, how should students prepare for the university English exam?

Take smart vocabulary notes by dividing topics logically

2.2 Reading comprehension skills

As revealed above, reading comprehension questions often account for a high proportion of the exam, so mastering reading techniques is a very important factor. Test-taking techniques will include the ability to guess words, the ability to summarize and identify the main idea of ​​the reading content, information analysis thinking and good keyword selection.

And remember, when faced with reading comprehension exercises, you should not try to translate every word or every sentence in the passage, this will only waste your time and sometimes become confusing. The experience of many experts also shows that you can take advantage of the answers to understand the content of the passage in question.

2.3 Phonetic part

Phonetics is one of the easiest sentence types to score points in the test. If you grasp the common rules and common special cases, the ability to get full points in this part is not difficult for students. Some notes EnglishTop want to be covered in this section include:

1. Letter S: usually pronounced as /s/

The pronunciation is /z/: raise, busy, please, easy, present, desire, music, pleasant, desert, choose, reason, preserve, poison..
In case of pronunciation /ʃ /: sugar, sure

2. Letter CH: usually pronounced as /tʃ/

The following case is pronounced /k/: chemist, ache, Christmas, mechanic, architect, character, chaos, technology, echo...
The following case is pronounced /ʃ/: machine, champagne, chamois, chalet…

3. Letter H: In the following cases, the letter H is not pronounced: hour, honor, honest...

4. Letter GH: usually pronounced /f/

In the following cases, the letter GH is silent and cannot be pronounced: plow, although, although, weigh...

5. Letter B: usually pronounced /b/

In the following case, the letter B is not pronounced after the letter M: climb, bomb, lamb...

In addition, for error finding and communication, as long as you practice a lot, you can easily score 2 points in this part because the questions are usually not too difficult. However, you also need to consider carefully before choosing an answer because you may lose points due to subjectivity certain traps.

With a goal of 8-9 points, how should students prepare for the university English exam?

Remember "Practice makes perfect"

3. Exam preparation psychology: Know where you stand

Besides skill factors, psychology will also greatly affect the test results of candidates. Don't be afraid when you know your English level is limited, don't create a negative view of yourself when you get a low score.

You need to believe in the learning method and practice that will bring results. From there, get motivated to strive for the long term because often methods are only truly effective if we work hard in the long term.

Finally, an effective test-taking tip shared by students is as follows: phonetics - odd sentences - long reading comprehension - communication - errors - short reading comprehension - filling in words - synonyms and antonyms.

With a goal of 8-9 points, how should students prepare for the university English exam?

Avoid being overwhelmed by exam preparation by having a specific plan from now on!

With the above sharing on how to prepare for university entrance exams in English, EnglishTop hopes to be able to help you in your exam preparation process. Wishing you success and achieving your desired score!