The late Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said: "If all Vietnamese students in the future cannot speak English fluently, just being able to read will still leave them behind."
So how can you master English communication? Today EnglishTop Here are some statistics to motivate you to learn English:
The latest report of the Ministry of Education and Training in 2017 said that after graduating, up to 51% of students do not meet the English skills of employers and need additional training. This has also been acknowledged by leaders of many major universities that English is the weakest subject for students.
According to statistics from the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, in 2017 there were 237,000 unemployed bachelors and masters. By 2018, Vietnam continued to welcome an additional 200,000 unemployed graduates. One of the reasons why graduates cannot find a job is due to poor English proficiency and the inability to read, understand and communicate in English. Mr. Dao Quang Vinh - Director of the Institute of Labor Sciences and Social Affairs (Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs) said that in 2019, the unemployment rate will not have many new changes in Vietnam.
Many employers in Vietnam realize that there is a lot of demand for recruiting positions, but they still cannot find suitable candidates because most of the applicants' English is very poor.
Discussing this issue, Master Tran Hong Nhung (Lecturer at National Economics University) achieved 8.5 Ielts in high school and studied abroad and worked for 6 years in the US and said: "Many Vietnamese students do not You can't be good at English because your learning method is completely wrong. You learn wrongly right from middle school and high school. You often learn to write first, then learn to read, and finally learn to speak. This is completely wrong in training a language in the world. There are also many students who study English at many foreign language centers, but they do not make the right choice, so their studies do not succeed. Students should note that they should choose a center that has a method of teaching English to Vietnamese people. Because the thinking and mistakes of Vietnamese people are not like any other country in the world."
The reason is because many Vietnamese teachers think that forcing students to copy many new words every day will help them memorize them. Without knowing that, such a training method is not a good method, because we have to imagine that, when children are only three years old, they have to learn to say right from the beginning like "daddy, dad", "Dad". mother, mother"... then children of native speakers have to do the same, the children must call "mother"... and then after they become fluent in speaking, they can move on to learning to write and read.
Meanwhile, if you follow a standard English course, a person with no English roots, that is, no vocabulary, cannot speak English, and poor grammar can speak English fluently within 6 months. . Learning correct pronunciation and imitating speaking like a native speaker is considered the first step, like the foundation of a house. After learners can speak standard English, basic or advanced communication will be the building's wall and roof for taking additional foreign certifications such as: Ielts, Toiec,... completely easy.
So if up to now, even though you have learned English a long time ago, you still have lost the basics, then this is a "special" solution for you. Wish you all good study.